G Suite For Education Update
The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) is well on its way to implementing the online education platform G Suite for Education for the scheduled resumption of school on Tuesday, April 14.
METVT Pontifications and Poetry 2024
The Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) in collaboration with Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and Starcom Network Inc., presents “Pontifications and Poetry 2024", the annual oratorical (prepared speech and poetry) contest/showcase to celebrate Education Month.
Update on COVID-19
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METVT Pontifications and Poetry 2023
The Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) in collaboration with Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and Starcom Network Inc., presents “Pontifications and Poetry 2023", an oratorical (prepared speech and poetry) contest/showcase to celebrate Education Month and CBC’s 60th Anniversary.
OAS Scholarship in Partnership with GIMI
The Organization of American States (OAS) in partnership with Galilee International Management Institute (GIMI) is happy to offer FULL tuition scholarships for the following special online courses:
The Lodge School Textbook Loan Scheme (Distribution of Textbooks)
Textbooks for the School Year 2020-2021 will be distributed on the dates and between the times set out below. Please make arrangements to have texts collected according to the schedule.
Application for Admission Into Sixth Form (2020)
Candidates for sixth form admission are required to have a MINIMUM of five (5) CXC General subjects or equivalent, including English Language (English A), taken at one sitting. Subjects taken in fourth form may be considered as the same sitting as those taken in fifth form. The deadline for submission of applications is September 28th, 2020.
Bounce Back Summer School 2021
The Ministry of Education Technological and Vocational Training recognizes that all students would have been impacted by the lack of face to face instruction since there was a need to move to online instruction and also blended instruction last academic year and again this academic year ...
Important Dates & Deadlines
The Planning, Research & International Relations Unit has the responsibility for producing a variety of important Userfiles/File and reports which contribute significantly to the body of knowledge and information needed at various levels.